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Couples and Family Counselling

Do you feel tired, overwhelmed, deprived, on eggshells, or frustrated in your relationship? Or even hopeless when you think about the problems in your couple’s life? 


Counselling can help you understand yourself and your partner better, improve communication, clarify what doesn’t work, reduce conflict, foster mutual respect, and enhance intimacy and companionship.


Life is life and every relationship has “bumps in the road”, but what makes the difference is to feel that you and your partner have the ability to navigate setbacks, discuss difficult topics, and maintain open lines of communication. For many of us, these skills are not always learned as we grow up.

Couples and Family Counselling. Tatiana

You can make an appointment by calling me at +64279019807 or via the

contact or booking online pages. 


Working with challenges in marriage and couples life


Yes, at different periods of a couples life there might be many challenges. I can be of help if you are experiencing one or more of the following challenges: lack of intimacy, affection, or quality time; difficulty discussing or resolving differences; communication that has become stilted or counterproductive; worries that one or both of you has given up on the relationship; excessive conflict; a cycle of blame or disrespect;  sensing that your relationship is drifting or that you and your partner are living separate lives; feeling that your relationship is not living up to its promise; controlling, addictive, or destructive behaviour in your relationship; crises such as infidelity, health issues, or one partner questioning the relationship; unresolved disagreements about finances, parenting, sex, friendships, or joint activities; feeling that your partner withdraws when you seek closeness; feeling that one or both of you is holding on to past upsets and can’t let go.


I can assist you in transitional stages of family development, if you are going through traumatic life events, grief, separation and divorce or struggle with blended family adjustments.


Pre-marital counselling is something I strongly recommend to any couple ready to start their journey.


Read more about family therapy here.


Methods and techniques | my approach in family counselling

I do my best to meet your individual needs as a couple and use all my knowledge and skills for this important goal. I find resources, inspiration and working tools from a combination of empirically validated couple’s therapy approaches including Systemic Family Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Existential Logo Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Adult Attachment Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Sexology, and, sometimes, even Coaching.

Benefits of couples counselling


Couples counselling offers you the possibility to create constructive dialogues about topics that may be difficult for you to discuss on your own. And in this dynamic and complex process you might find a deeper and more intimate connection with each other; a greater sense of partnership, affection, and companionship; an ability to state your needs and feelings clearly and constructively so you can avoid or resolve conflicts; the feeling of being in a healthy partnership rather than feeling alone; greater willingness to compromise and solve problems; less blame and more companionship; tools and techniques to foster constructive communication and closeness.

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Tatiana Ceban Counselling Services.

Get in touch - | 64 279 019 807

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